Buena Vista, formerly known as Elysian Park Lofts, consists of approximately 920 residential units, including neighborhood serving retail, on 8.1 acres that runs north along the east side of Broadway just north of the Metro Chinatown Station to Elysian Park Drive.
The lofts are divided into two sections located at either end of the long, thin parcel of land with one being closest to Chinatown and the second section closest to Elysian Park.
A new public park connects the development and its 920 residential units. The development also includes 18,000 square feet of retail and restaurants and roughly 1,800 parking spaces in an underground garage. The six buildings on-site would range from seven to 14 stories tall. A lower, 2-story resident amenity center is also located on site.
In addition to the park that links the two ends of the site, a network of open space such as public plazas and outdoor areas designed exclusively for residents, will create an active site with amenities and connections to the surrounding areas.